Dear Shia Brothers
Salamon Alaykom
First of all , I am sorry for my poor arabic , so I am forced to write in english .
These days are near shahadah of Zahra al marziyah salamollah alayha , and we and every believer in Islam is to be sad .
Also we dedicate our sympathy to the 12th Imam , mahdi ajjalallaho farajaho al sharif.
Also today is the anniversary of grand Ayatollah Imam Khomeini -Peace be upon him- and a very sad day in Iran and a sad day for the all free thinking (ahrar) people from all around the world .
Second , I hope you in Moosel website , visit the websites of your shia brothers in Iran , .
Any way , about Vahhabiyah , and new sayings
I am talking as an Iranian shia and I am not an Islamic student so these are my thoughts based on my knowledge about shia as a shia believing in 12 Imams :
1- the saying about exageration (gholov) :
about Imam Ali Alayhessalam , these are all realities that a blind bat like them cannot see ther emitted lights and understand them .
If they really believe that Sahih-al-Bokhari and Sahih al-moslem are completely true books , they can find what we say in there , and there is no need for referrence to Kafi , Behar and other shia books .
2- About hating sahabah except some of them , may be that is right .
If they want to love forexample khaled ebne valid and their second khalifah that hitted the daughter of our prophet and caused her to die , we donot like them .
If you as a so called salafi can like the person who decidedly killed fatemah , then you have share on her blood and should answer the god and the prophet in a shameful way .
I , as I think I am a rationally thinking man , wonder how can a person both the killer and the martyr of a person .
today we can ask a question , the only daughter of our prophet that is born after his being selected by Allah , Why is her died 75 or 95 days after 27 safar ?
3- in this paper it is written that Imam Ali -PBUH- has said that he is not afzal from the other two :
علی خیر بشر من ش? فیه فقد ?فر
Is not sayings near to this text written in sonni books .
Is not this the saying of our prophet -PBUH- ?
If Imam Ali is said that word , then -Alayazo bellah -
The prophet is the first one .
You cannot believe that both these sayings are true .
و لو ?ان من عند غیر الله لوجدوا فیه اختلافا ?ثیرا
and at last , taghiyah
اما تقرئون قول الله تبار? و تعالی :
اعوذ بالله من الشیطان الرجیم
و لا تقولوا لمن القی الی?م السلم لست مومنا
I think you - I mean the so called knowledgable people in vahhabiyah - do apply it much more than shia .
Israel is killing sonni people in Palestine and you donot help palestine .
Israel kills sonni and shia in lebanon , and you donot help Lebanon .
You have fighting airplanes and money , but you donot help them .
You as a sonni believe that
خیر العمل هو الجهاد و لیس الصلاه بخیر العمل - العیاذ بالله
so why donot you at least help palestine with your money ?
So , even when you see a group hitted Israel in Lebanon , you protest against the\ martyr and in favor of killer .
So , you are hiding your Zionist origin behind your semi-Islamic face .
Know , you that are going to kill me in Iran and want to go to heaven by this ( As you did in west Iran and killed my relatives and brothers ) , who do you think you are helping by protesting against hezbollah :
1-Israeli occupiers of Palestine
2- Sonni Palestinains
3- Shia in South Lebanon
and at last , think in your mind , are you working against Islam or in favor of it !
و السلام علی من اتبع الهدی[/b]